Strategic Issue
Greenheck was operating ten distinct databases on an antiquated content management system that lacked user-based support. They needed a modern and robust application that would easily migrate millions of documents and update and streamline numerous workflow processes in a timely manner, with minimal impact on their internal teams. A vital key to success was having a dedicated support system to assist with the initial transition and ongoing workflow integrations.
The James Solution
The James Imaging Systems Solutions Group implemented DocuWare—a content management and workflow integration system that simplified the user experience. Starting with the accounts payable workflow, their old system was seamlessly integrated onto the new platform without interrupting day-to-day operations. The new, easy-to-use process provided more robust capabilities that streamlined projects for on-site and remote employees plus, Greenheck now has James Imaging Systems’ expertise and support moving forward on future integrations.
Customer Benefits
• Dedicated, knowledgeable support system
• Positive impact on remote and international workers
• Smooth transition with minimal impact on users
• Additional backend capabilities
• Easy-to-use interface
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Industry: Manufacturing Solutions Implemented: Content Management & Workflow Integration